The Bar

The Bar

Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Measure of a Man

What does it mean to be a Man today? To put that question more effectively, What does it mean to be a Man of Means in 2015? For it is "The Information Age"...

A Man today should be measured by his awareness. For as the world moves to become more "International" than nationally operated, a keen sense of self and surroundings will become paramount. Ones mobility will soon become more valuable than ones nobility. Your survival and prosperity will be totally dependent upon both your critical thinking and foreign relation skills. As boarders open up on all sides of the water...

With that said, let's get into the Game...

First level of awareness or tier One: Self Awareness - A Man must first be learn to liberate and govern himself. This mean emotionally, spiritually, economically, physically & lawfully. 

This mean finding your flaws and improving and or working pass them. Choosing your OWN Faith and realizing no matter what faith and or religion you choose... It is YOU that must live this life and suffer the consequences. Become economically dependent on you own abilities and talents Only. Not resumes, degrees, and club affiliations. Test and learn your physical limits. This include dietary. Choose a Code of Ethics and stick to them.

Second level of awareness: Once a Man has learned himself, he should move to learning his HOUSE. Meaning increasing your awareness of your inner circles emotional, spiritual, economical, and physical needs and goals. And it is his job to assist and push those in his House to reach those goals. 

Third Level of Awareness- A Man should work to learn the social, economical, and religious lay of his city. Followed by his state and his country. Again, the degree and debt at which a Man is aware of these affairs is his Measure.

Fourth and Final level that we're going to discuss today is: International Awareness- Once a Man has mastered or at least gotten his associates degree in the History and Affairs of the Nation in which he lives, he should work to increasing and mastering his awareness in International Affairs. This includes the religious beliefs of outside nations, Their political influence, ect.. Again the degree and depth of Awareness on this Level shall be his Measure...

The Days of the Male Gossiper are behind US. Your Sports History Awareness is neither beneficial nor enough. THE BAR HAS BEEN RAISED....


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Double "B" Renaissance


Ten Laws in Being a Man by Paul Dobransky
The Mack Within by Tariq Nasheed
Play or Be Played by Tariq Nasheed
The Art Of Macking by Tariq Nasheed
The Black Book by The Player
21 Iffutable Laws of Leadership by John C Maxwell
21 Indespensable Qualities of Leadership by John C Maxwell
Mode One by Alan Roger Currie
Without Embarrassment by Micheal Pilinski
Weapons of mass Seduction by Mr Fingers
Mastery by George Leonard
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Game by Blake Richards
50 Tips of Attraction by Scott Peterson
The Art of Approaching by Thundercat
Mystery Method by Mystery Method
Mind Access Coffee by Kevin Hogan
22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al ries & Jack Trout
Psychocybernetics by Maltz Maxwell
As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
How to win friends and Influence people by Dale Carnegie
Double Your Dating by David DAngelo
Pimpology: The 48 Laws of the Game by Pimping Ken
As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel
Negotiate Your Way to Riches by Peter Wink

Cream List

Incorporate & Grow Rich by C.W. Allen
Creating Wealth by Robert G.Allen
Sam Walton Made in America
Grinding It Out by Ray Kroc
Getting Past NO(Negotiating in Difficult Situations) by William Ury
Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun by Reginald F. Lewis
Outliers by Malcom Gladwell
The Billion Dollar BET Robert Johnson
Encyclopedia Of African American Business History by Juliet E. Walker
The History of Black Business in America by Juliet E. Walker

How to succeed in Business without being White by Earl G. Graves

Market Women:Black Women Entrepreneurs by Cheryl A. Smith

Sister Ceo: The Black Woman's Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Cheryl D. Brossard

The Soul of Success by Janet C. Bell

Soul Food: 52 principles for black entrepreneurial success by Robert Wallace
Family Wealth:Keeping It in the Family
Doing Business by the Good Book by David L. Stewart

Numbers Dont Lie list

Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics by Frederick Byron Jr and Robert Fuller

Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics John Jackson

Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics by Gerald Teschl
Algebra 2 and Trigonometry Ann Xavier Gantert

Uncle Sams Pimp Hand list

Capitalism Socialism & Democracy by Joseph A. Schumpeter
BLacks Law Dictionary
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Hands on list

Massage For Dummies by Steve Capellini and Michel Van Welden
The Complete Idiots Guide to Electrical Repair by Terry Meany
Ugly's Electrical Reference by George V. Hart

Know where you've been list

Blacks in Science: Ancient and Modern, ed. by Ivan VanSertima, Transaction Books, New Brunswick, NJ, 1983

Africa Counts, Claudia Zaslavsky, Prindle, Weber, and Schmidt, New Your, 1973

Stolen Legacy, George G. M. James, Julian Richardson Associates, San Francisco, 1976

Journal of African Civilizations, Vol. 4, No. 1, ed. by Ivan VanSertima, Transaction Books, New Burnswick, NJ, 1982

The African Origins of Civilization, Cheikh Anta Diop, Lawrence Hill Press, New York, 1974

An Introduction to the History of Mathematics, Howard Eves, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 3rd ed., 1969; History of Mathematics, Arthur Gittleman, Charles E. Merrill Press, Columbus, Ohio, 1975.

The Pyramids, Ahmed Fakhry, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1975
This book not only describes the structure and dimensions of the three best known pyramids at Giza, but furnishes the same information in respect to at least a dozen others, including the Step Pyramid at Saqqara.

The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, Arnold Chase, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1979

Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs, Richard Gillings, Cambridge MIT Press, 1972

Golden Legacy, Baylor Publishing Co. and Community Enterprise, Inc., Seattle, WA, 1983

A History of Science, George Sarton, Vol. 1, Harvard Press, Cambridge, MA, 1952

The Healing Hand: Man and Wound in the Ancient World, Guido Majno, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1975

Selections from the Husia: The Sacred Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, Maulana Karenga, Kawaida Publications, Los Angeles, 1984
Benjamin Banneker: Genius of Early America, Lillie Patterson, Abingdon, Nashville, TN, 1978

Black Apollo of Science: The Life of Ernest Everett Just, Kenneth R. Manning, Oxford Press, New York, 1983

Life of Benjamin Banneker, Silvio A. Bendini, Little Brown Books, New York, 1954

Dr. George Washington Carver, Scientist, Shirley Graham & George D. Lipscomb, WAshington Square Press, New York

George Washington Carver: The Story of A Great American, Ann Terry White, E. M. Hale, Eau Claire, WI, 1953

They Showed the Way, Charlemae Rollins, Crowell Press, New York, 1964.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Urban Legend II

"Greatness" The quality of being great, distinguished, or eminent. 

"Great" Of an extend, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average.

So, what does it mean for one to be great. I think that ever to often that we think of someone to be great only in the sphere of their respective field. Ie. A Great Rapper, A Great Football Player, A Great Scholar, Author, and so forth. Yet if you, as I have, look further into the history and lives of those considered to be great at one thing in particular, you'll find them to be equally great at another or many other things. Example, Percy Miller aka "Master P", was a success/great at Drug Dealing. While also being equally great at the Art of Rapping. Yet also was ahead of his time in the Music Business as a whole. While also making onto an NBA roster. Though his reign in the NBA was extremely short live, just making into the rankings for the NBA is a success many will never taste and that screams success. Look at King James aka Lebron. Arguably one of the Greatest Basketball Players to touch the court, yet a short look into his recent history will show his long list of scholarships offers and opportunities to enter the NFL. Above is a photo of Michael Jackson, the Greatest Pop Singer of all time and also The Greatest Performers of All Tomes. Yet again, a further looking into his history and a deeper look into his portfolio, will easily show his performance behind the scenes as a businessman was equally of not greater than his performance in front of millions, but I digress. 

I bring up these example of versatile greatness to get you to rethink how you think of greatness. You see, again the majority of people attach greatness to a thing, task, or skill set, but what if I told you greatness was something more. Sometime more obtainable? Something more diverse? What if I told you greatness was easier to obtain just by changing your understanding of the terms and conditions? Well maybe not easier, but you'll damn sure have a clearer view of what it is you're trying to obtain. So let's get into some game, HighLife Style...

I like to think of greatness not as an attribute or a byproduct of activity, but more effectively as a frequency of activity. A "Level" if you will. Follow me now....

All physical activity breaks down to energy and motion. Better put, vibration. Which is measured in frequency. Or the rate and duration at which something occurs or repeats itself. So anytime I think of being great, I think of gathering and raising my energy level to that of greatness. Meaning, my rate of mental functioning and activity, my heart rate, the rate at which I consume, digest, and rid myself of material waste, the quality of material I digest and most importantly, my rate and quality of breathing. 

You see, now that I have changed my perception of "Greatness" from a mass noun  to a countable noun, Greatness becomes a tool or level of operation instead of an intangible byproduct after reaching a goal. Instead Greatness is a level of operation, that once reached, musted be maintained, and anything I do on that level therefore will be GREAT... Therefore if ever I fall from greatness, I go through my checklist and perform maintenance on those activities that have fallen out of course. And perform preventive maintenance on those things yet to fall... 

Ben Carson- Neurosurgeon/ Presidential Candidate 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Urban Legend

"I Am Legend..." Follow Me Now...

The Rise of The Urban Renaissance Mam is Now!! Always has been. And Always Will Be. Feel Me? Something I've come to realize being a student of Life. Great Shit has no beginning. Anytime in my life I've accomplished something great, there was never a starting date I could pin point. Everything I've accomplished was merely a manifestation of myself. An evolution of my thoughts. Yes to the outside world things may have seem to just pop, but those manifestations may have been things I've been mentally working on for months. 

More importantly, what I want to shine light on today is the "Making of a Legend". So let's get to it...

What legacies will you leave BEHIND? You see when you're in the game, you have to embrace the pain of not having shit totally together. You must embrace the fact that everything is a work in progress. In the 11 Laws of God it states in Law 0: 

Amen~Tua Neter for the peace and joy that comes from the knowledge 

that I am made in your likeness. I am one with you because I am living in your likeness and image when I am at peace in the midst of the greatest challenge.  

The Key word within that Law, is Peace. Peace denotes a humbling. A calm. A Zen found in the mist of great challenges. Great challenges being, the pressure outside source play on your psyche. You know Mfs speaking on your business like it's theirs. "Man you still writing that book", "You still working that same job", "You ain't got that business popping yet?" And my reply is "MF I'm going to be great when I be Great"...

Cause there is no timeline for your greatness. When you start to make shit happen is just when you start to make shit happen. This legend begins with "I". You hear it everyday, cats be dope fiends then get there shit together and turn millionaire. Now those same cats that use to clown dude are asking for jobs and autographs. And it all starts with him finding his 0/center, and affirming his own direction. 

Now being that it is completely within you and up to you to obtain great shit, it is on YOUR watch, but I digress. 

Point is, Your Legend is YOUR LEGEND. If you become great then fall back down to irrelevance, so be it... That's Your Legend. Point is at least you have a legend left. What of cats that are lost in the mist their entire life. Working endless hours on another mans legacy. Nothing but and extra in another's a script, but again I digress.

Take from this post what you will. Find peace in the mist of haters. Find joy in the fact that they're the same ones that will be talking and spreading your greatness once you reach it. A lot more quietly behind close doors and amongst themselves cause, well, that just what gossiping Mfs do... #Amen

