The Bar

The Bar

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Urban Legend

"I Am Legend..." Follow Me Now...

The Rise of The Urban Renaissance Mam is Now!! Always has been. And Always Will Be. Feel Me? Something I've come to realize being a student of Life. Great Shit has no beginning. Anytime in my life I've accomplished something great, there was never a starting date I could pin point. Everything I've accomplished was merely a manifestation of myself. An evolution of my thoughts. Yes to the outside world things may have seem to just pop, but those manifestations may have been things I've been mentally working on for months. 

More importantly, what I want to shine light on today is the "Making of a Legend". So let's get to it...

What legacies will you leave BEHIND? You see when you're in the game, you have to embrace the pain of not having shit totally together. You must embrace the fact that everything is a work in progress. In the 11 Laws of God it states in Law 0: 

Amen~Tua Neter for the peace and joy that comes from the knowledge 

that I am made in your likeness. I am one with you because I am living in your likeness and image when I am at peace in the midst of the greatest challenge.  

The Key word within that Law, is Peace. Peace denotes a humbling. A calm. A Zen found in the mist of great challenges. Great challenges being, the pressure outside source play on your psyche. You know Mfs speaking on your business like it's theirs. "Man you still writing that book", "You still working that same job", "You ain't got that business popping yet?" And my reply is "MF I'm going to be great when I be Great"...

Cause there is no timeline for your greatness. When you start to make shit happen is just when you start to make shit happen. This legend begins with "I". You hear it everyday, cats be dope fiends then get there shit together and turn millionaire. Now those same cats that use to clown dude are asking for jobs and autographs. And it all starts with him finding his 0/center, and affirming his own direction. 

Now being that it is completely within you and up to you to obtain great shit, it is on YOUR watch, but I digress. 

Point is, Your Legend is YOUR LEGEND. If you become great then fall back down to irrelevance, so be it... That's Your Legend. Point is at least you have a legend left. What of cats that are lost in the mist their entire life. Working endless hours on another mans legacy. Nothing but and extra in another's a script, but again I digress.

Take from this post what you will. Find peace in the mist of haters. Find joy in the fact that they're the same ones that will be talking and spreading your greatness once you reach it. A lot more quietly behind close doors and amongst themselves cause, well, that just what gossiping Mfs do... #Amen



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