"New Stacks with New Blacks.. I already been The King. Ancestral Fact I'm just bringing The Spirit back"
Knowledge of Self. What it do people. Today we're still on topic with knowledge of self in this thing of ours. What exactly is it? Self is our authentic reality. Our Knowledge of Self is ownership of that reality. It's the understanding that "we" have the perceptional ability to create and dictate that reality!!
Take a look at The Black Bar logo. There's a conspiracy theory going around that the powers that be plan on stamping everyone with a bar code. Now outside of the fact that the bar code technology was derived by our ancient science of binary coding, let's look at the mechanics of the modern bar code of what it is. It's a logo. It's a entity of identity. It's multiple black lines fragmented by white voids. It's reality dictating the self. It's power. The Black Bar represents the unification of that power. The Black Bar represents authenticity. The Authentic Self and it's ability to create and not be created upon.
The Black Bar is Power!!! The power to not just be worked but to create works. Not to sound cultish because we as intelligent individuals understand that the black bar does not give us this power, We are this power. We are Knowledge of Self.
Now what the hell are you waiting for? It's your show. Let's Create. The time of waiting for the approval of others is behind us. The time of creating for self is now. Who are you? You as an individual. What do you like? What would you like to see in your reality?
2015 is the season for study of annuities. The season of studying your personal annuities. Things in your character that you can expand upon that will be beneficial for you and your for the rest of your life. Get on top of your game.
Over the course of my youth I rarely engaged heavily into playing games. At least not enough to take them serious. Instead I engaged in personal annuities or learning and developing skills necessary to create or at least dictate the word around me. Skills that range from a youthful degree in hand drawn Art, that expanded to the science of reading Blueprints and Architectural Drawing. To carpentry skills, basic plumbing, electrical, sewing, culinary, firefightin. And not to toot my horn, but I'm pretty confident in my ability to build and destroy any Car I come in contact with. And not to basic standards but to how I see fit.
Enhance the world around. Make something beautiful. If all you see is pain and bullshit. It's you that's is pain and bullshit. If you do accept that as reality than you would at least have to agree that you lack the necessary internal know how to change it. And if that is so it's not the end of the world, GET UP & GO GET IT.
I personally see my accomplishments as mediocre for I obtain them with limited resource and out of necessity. For I also know those that came and are coming up behind me shall create and acheive more than me. And it is now a necessity that we raise not just creative rappers and writers, but Lawyers, Doctors, & Mathematican that not just fall into the roles of these characters. But have an opinion on the realities of the products of these characters and create New Realities as they see it fit.
For New Blacks w/ New Stacks
"Black Excellence"
~HighLife Philosophy
"I got way too much corruption in my distortion so in this moment of clarity I'm preparing the next.. I got a thing for them big body Benz.. A mansion with ten kids.. So at this time I'm finessing a check.. In this game they don't play fair, most can't afford daycare, can't defeat em with the guns so we preparing the hex..."
Bar Series Coming Soon... "High Off Tha Life"
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