"Value" X Black Excellence
Peace and Blessings, Brothas and Sisters... This Month we want to Enrich you with a Place of Value. A Position if you Will...
In Fact, Over the Course of the Next Seven Months, The Black Bar will be dedicated to not only MANHOOD, but Character Development. This process will be broken down in a Month by Month of Seven Tiers. Which will be revealed as we progress. So Suit Up and Grab a Ledger to take notes and keep up because The Bar is being Raised Everyday!
As you may have noticed from the opening of this post, though The Black Bar is founded around the Raising and Celebration of Manhood, we are NOT an all boys club. The Black Bar is all inclusive to ALL Afurakani (African-male) and Afuraitkaitnit (African-female) willing to put in the necessary work. You see The Black Bar would not be complete without both the Male and Female functioning complementary to each other. It takes both Masculine and Feminine energy to POWER anything. That is a Law of Nature. And this thing of ours is no exception to
Everything in nature starts with a Push (male) and a Pull(female). Though I am talking directly to you in regards to creation. Do not let your ego short change you into corrupting the purity of male and female into a degenerate personified perversion of the Whole. To do so would be to sell yourself and the game short. The Male and Female attribute is all inclusive to any masculine and feminine nature found in the universe. The creation we speak of also should not be reduced to simply reproduction, but should be considered in all endeavors of Creation. Which we will get into these fiery(masculine) and cool/watery(feminine) aspect of energy. Especially, in regards to your emotional energy.
Today we simply want to introduce you the first principle value of Obarima. ORDER. The Balance of the Male and Female. And Recognizing the Divine Order of Creation....
"Such recognition is the foundation of physical, emotional, mental, cultural and spiritual stability. Without this understanding your thoughts, intentions and actions will be imbalanced thereby rendering your person unstable." Odwirafo Kwesi
So Stay Tuned and Stay on the Rise... Greatness is just over the horizon
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