The Bar

The Bar

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Blue Print II

"The Only Christopher We Acknowledge Is Wallace"
Game progression 101 X African Ancestry

1. Initiation. (Amen) The point in a persons (a mans particularly) life when he determines the square information that dominate society feed the masses is not enough therefore he begins seeking unorthodox education ie: Game. 

2. The Determining Ones Purpose (Ausar) "Establish or Discover the central theme of your undertaking. It is the god of your undertaking." In business this is know as your mission statement. In the Game it's your Bread and Butter. In Life it is your Life's Purpose. Why do you wake up in the morning? Why do you engage in conversation? What's the driving force behind your work? This should not be winged or abstract.

3. Gathering of Tools (Tehuti) Taking counsel from those in the know or those that came before you. Ie: Elders in that particular arena or field in relation to your central theme. 

Begin gathering of the necessary tools and equipment which to help you carry out your central them. Example. If your central theme is to help others by way of practicing medicine. Now would be the time to begin gathering the books, tools, equipment of a Doctor.

4. The Campaign Trail (Seker) "Science of hekau" The speaking into existence your central theme(purpose) by way of chant or campaign in order to generate and attract the foundation of that which you chose to undertake. Ie: Campaign for the position of President within your respected expertise.  

5. Getting Chose or Elected (Maat) At this stage you must seek out analogies to your undertaking, and it's central theme. This is the merger of your Will(idealism) and Reality(realism). Your due diligence in prior steps, or lack there of, will be exposed in this step. Can you back up your campaign? Are you all bark and no bite? The analytical process of this stage in the game will set the tone for how and with whom you play the game. Or if you are fit to play this particular game at all. 

6. The Adjustment Bureau (Herukhuti) At this stage you will have a degree of field(Life) experience  and will begin to find and make distinctions between the pattern in which your game, business dealing, organization, relationships, ect.. Are executed. You must arrive at the abstract distinction between the pattern of your undertaking, and those that are analogies. And make the necessary adjustments. This is analysis. 

Two Pennies: At this point a Basic or Advanced Excel class would be extremely beneficial if you are not already up to date on said technology.

7. Executive Director (Heru). This is the universal divide. The transition point of the Urban Renaissance Man. The H.N.I.C.. The Man. At this point you are the Director of your Game and it's followers. All that you have done before leads up to this pivotal point in your progression. You must hold fast to all your sound principles and the advise of your counsel. For it is easy to give in to emotional impulses at this heighten stage of the game when you are in the lime light. 

The 48 Laws of Power quotes "Never Outshine the Master" I say "The Master is your Game/Ancestry Knowledge /Analytical Studies

8. Development of Your Third Eye of Game  (Het-Heru) This is the Stage of using your educated experience to visualize the playing field from a HighLife point of view. You are now able to see your road to success from the beginning to the end. Yet this is not the stage to prematurely start planning. We're waiting for that Diamond pressure. 

9. Meeting at the Round Table (Sebek) Now is the time to seek information, technical details, chop it up with your team, and other players on the field, ect. Pertaining each step, phase, means, and the finer details in which the project will be carried out.

10. Moment of Clarity (Auset) The work in this stage involves mediumistic "trance" meditation on each process of the game and or project. This is when you get Tunnel Vision. The Eye of the Tiger. Focus. Set'tled in the natural of your undertakings ie:Game. This is when idealism turns into realism

11. The Execution (Geb) This is the stage of physical work, and the realization of your goal. 


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